An Essential Alias for Forgetful Engineers Like Myself (updated)
- Tony Mattke
- Cisco
- July 20, 2009
How many times a day do you issue a show command from configuration mode ? If you’re anything like me, its enough to get annoying. Luckily Cisco has given us the ability to user define aliases, here is a simple solution to this issue.
Router(config)#alias configure show do show
While this fixes part of the issue, you’ll need to configure additional aliases for each configuration mode that you wish to use this in. I would certainly at least setup interface and router. Are there any handy alises you use every day? Comment below to share them with us!
Update: I had to update this article to include another alias I’ve configured recently on our Nexus gear. NX-OS has eliminated the wr command to write memory, forcing you to use copy running-config startup-config or a shortened version like copy run start. Either way, I always forget at least once a day. Using the following alias we can restore that functionality!
N7K(config)#cli alias name wr copy running-config startup-config