Layer 2 Ethernet transport over OpenVPN
- Tony Mattke
- Networking
- May 14, 2009
One of the things I used to deploy frequently at my previous position was transport for other ISPs and businesses. Since MPLS support is in its infancy on the Imagestream platform, and was yet to be deployed at the time, this is what I came up with. The configuration is quite simple, setup an OpenVPN tunnel across your network, and bridge a vlan or interface to it. Simple, right?
Here is one side of the config…
! interface Tunnel100 description Customer Transit tunnel mode openvpn tunnel options --passtos tunnel source 9876 tunnel destination 9876 tunnel key 8df4234bc8e ip pim sparce-mode bridge-group 100 spanning-disabled ! interface Ethernet4 description Customer Transit Interface bridge-group 100 spanning-disabled !
Mirroring this configuration on the remote side will complete the transport… If you have any questions or problems implementing this, please leave a command I can attempt to assist you.