Public Service Announcement for Engineers
- Tony Mattke
- Networking
- March 14, 2011
We all know how stressful our jobs can be. And we certainly know about our own hot button issues that press on the nerves in our brain, resulting in great pain and agony which in turn makes us want to reap the souls of our minions…. Right? Ok, maybe its just me. But I digress, for those new engineers out there who lack experience with these terms, please consider the following as a guide*.
- ACL: Pronounced exactly as it’s spelled, A-C-L. Stop saying Ackel!
- QoS: Pronounced as spelled, Q-O-S. It is not kwos!!
- GRE: Can be pronounced as spelled, G-R-E, or as a single world Gree as in agree minus the A.
- IS-IS: Pronounced as spelled.. I-S-I-S, not eye-sys, or ice-is.
- EIGRP: Pronounced as spelled.. E-I-G-R-P. Don’t try to pronounce this as Eeegurp or some other awful thing.
- NAT: Pronounced as written, Nat, like the bug (gnat).
- VRF: Pronounced as spelled, V-R-F, not vruff, or verf.
- BPDU: Pronounced as spelled, B-P-D-U, not bippy-du or bippidy-du.
- CUCM: Can be pronounced as spelled, C-U-C-M, or simply stated as Call Manager, not chuck-em, or even key-youk-em.
- CUCIMOC: Feel free to continue using Cookie-Mock.
- SQL: Pronounced as spelled, S-Q-L, there is no sequel or worse, squeal.
- BIND: Pronounced as written.. Bind, exactly as the English word, as in to tie something up.
* This guide is to be followed at all times, failure to do so will result in instant reaping of your soul.