Tech Field Day: OpenFlow Symposium
- Tony Mattke
- Networking
- October 26, 2011
What is OpenFlow?
OpenFlow is a proposed standard for exchanging flow data between controllers and networking devices. OpenFlow has the potential to move our networking control plane into the world of Software Defined Networking. But what does that mean for you?
The biggest advantage to having a SDN/OpenFlow enabled network is that you’re able to add plugins to your control plane from multiple vendors. Since it is an open standard, anyone can write modules to add control features for your network, allowing you the flexibility to use any of those to enhance your network.
Tech Field Day has done a great job bringing the top minds together, the line up looks something like this.
- Guido Appenzeller Kyle Foster (Big Switch)
- Curt Beckmann (Brocade)
- David Meyer (Cisco)
- Ed Crabbe (Google)
- David Ward (Juniper)
- Don Clark (NEC)
- Samrat Ganguily (NEC)
- Igor Gashinksy (Yahoo)
Watch the Stream
Sorry, this stream was in the past
After the event, I hope to have some more interesting tidbits to update here as I will be taking some notes on the more interesting bits being discussed. But for now, be sure to check out the Packet Pusher’s blog for some great links and information on OpenFlow. Be on the lookout for an updated post hopefully later today.